Winter Vacation? How to Care For Beach Feet

how to care for beach feetYou’re all packed and ready to get out of the cold and hit the beach and go for your mid-winter break. We thought we’d stray from our typical posts and take a minute to talk about How To Care for Beach Feet. Here are four tips that can carry your through your winter vacation and prepare you for a summer at the beach.

Tip #1: Wear Your Sandals

As good as it feels to let your toes run squinch in the sand it’s important to keep your shoes on. Shoes will help protect your feet from puncture wounds, and cuts. Often little pieces of broken glass, sea shells and other sharp objects lie hidden amidst the sand. And if you do happen to get cut, avoid the ocean water. The bacteria that grows in the ocean can lead to an infection in an open wound.

Tip #2: Keep The Sunscreen Handy

Did you know that feet can get sunburned too? Yep, make sure you prevent any kind of skin cancer by layering on the sunscreen on both the top and bottom of the foot. If you’re already putting on other areas of the body, this 10 second addition shouldn’t be that hard.

Tip #3: Sand Can Cause Foot Injuries

Nope we’re not just talking about sharp objects and cuts anymore. Did you know that walking, jogging and playing sports like frisbee and volleyball in the sand can often lead to arch pain, heel pain and ankle sprains? Why you ask? It’s the uneven surface of the sand that makes feet and ankles more prone to these injuries.  Again, the answer is to keep your shoes on, preferable ones with good arch support, while doing beach activities. Wearing shoes will help prevent further injuries.

Tip #4: Beware of Jellyfish

My dad still tells me stories of getting jellyfish stings when body surfing at the beach in San Diego and Hawaii. Jellyfish seem to have a wide population across the beaches in the U.S. and really all over the world. Did you know that a sting can still occur even if it’s washed up dead on the beach? Yep, be careful and watch where you step. Vinegar, meat tenderizer or baking soda  reduce pain and swelling. Most sting will heal within days, but if not then you need to consult a doctor.

There you have it. Whether you’re chartering a boat to sail B.V.I. this winter, or you’re like me and just excited and anxious for summer to get back, you now know how to be beach ready and care for you feet. Happy Sailing!~Megan

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